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1-Modals are different from normal verbs:

A: They don't use an 's' for the third person singular.
B: They make questions by inversion ('she can go' becomes 'can she go?').
C: They are followed directly by the infinitive of another verb (without 'to').

In this unit we are going to learn the uses of: SHOULD, HAVE TO AND MUST

A-Obligation and Advice

  • Children must do their homework. (OBLIGATION / STRONG ADVICE) * We can also use HAVE TO for obligation (only in affirmative)
Native speakers in general USE have to for external obligations (rules, laws, schedules...) and must for personal obligations (things that you think that are important)
  • You should/ shouldn't stop smoking. (ADVICE) (it can be used in affirmative and negative)
In the third person singular have to and don't have to experience changes. See the examples below:
- He has to be 18 to drive a car.
- She doesn't have to wear a school uniform.
BE CAREFUL about the difference between mustn't and don't have to!
Mustn't means it's not allowed, or it's a bad idea:
  • You mustn't eat so much chocolate, you'll be sick
Don't have to means you don't need to do something, but it's fine if you want to do it:
  • I don't have to get up early at the weekend(of course, if I want to get up early, that's fine, but I can stay in bed if I want).


HAVE TO: external obligation or strong advice
DON'T HAVE TO: lack of  necessity
MUST: strong obligation, internal obligation
MUSTN'T: prohibition
SHOULD: advice/ recommendation
SHOULDN'T: advice/recommendation
*IMPORTANT - You can watch this video to see the differentes between the three modal verbs. If you go directly to the minute 8: 50 you  Will find a summary of the uses of each verb.


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Passive Voice Explanation 3RD ESO

PASSIVE VOICE 1-Passive voice is used when we want to focus on the action and not WHO or WHAT does the action. EXAMPLES: WHO Someone stole my bike (ACTIVE) My bike was stolen (PASSIVE) WHAT This factory produces one hundred bikes per day (ACTIVE) One hundred bikes per day are produced by this Factory (PASIVE) 2- We also have passive voice in Spanish Alguien robó mi bici Mi bici fue robada 3- STRUCTURE SUBJECT+ TO BE (IN THE RIGHT TENSE) + PAST PARTICIPLE (MAIN VERB ) + BY + AGENT  THE BIKE IS STOLEN   BY MY FRIEND (PRESENT SIMPLE PASSIVE) THE BIKE IS BEING STOLEN BY MY FRIEND (PRESENT CONTINOUS PASSIVE) THE BIKE WAS STOLEN    BY MY FRIEND (PAST CONTINOUS PASSIVE) THE BIKE HAS BEEN STOLEN   BY MY FRIEND (PRESENT PERFECT PASSIVE) THE BIKE WILL BE STOLEN   BY MY FRIEND (FUTURE TENSE PASSIVE) 4-We change an active sentence to passive and vice versa. 5- 5- Here I attach you links to threes videos so you can review today's lesson

1st Conditional

1- Structure You can use conditionals in two orders: Order 1   (a comma between the two parts)                           Situation                                Consequence                IF + SUB+ VERB PRES SIMP        SUB + WILL + VERB INFINITIVE                           If I walk slowly,                    I Will arrive late                           If you don't listen,                  you won't learn                                   Order 2      (no comma between the two parts)                                     Consequence                           Situation           SUB + WILL + VERB INFINITIVE        IF + SUB+ VERB PRES SIMP                          They Will miss the bus          if they don't hurry                          she won't pass the exam         if Sally watches TV * the IF PART indicate the condition (lo que se debe cumplir) * the OTHER PART expresses the consequence or the effect of the condition 2- Use  -We use 1st