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Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2020


1-Structure If+ PAST SIMPLE + WOULD/ WOULDN'T + INFINITIVE ORDER 1 If I had lots of money, I would buy a car  *When the sentence starts with IF you need to use a comma between the two clause ORDER 2 I would speak English well if I spent time in England * No comma when the IF CLAUSE is at the end of the sentence 2-Use -To talk about the consequences of an IMAGINARY or HYPOTHETICAL situation in the present or future. *The situation is usually impossible or improbable If I were the Prime Minister (presidente), I' d reduce taxes - To give advice If I were you, I' d tell your parents the truth * In the second contional with the verb to be in the past we use WERE for the persons (personal gramaticales) If I, you, she, he, it, we, they WERE ...